Wednesday 3 June 2009

An Opening Statement

Firstly I wish to thank those for their encouragement and support in particular my family along with friends and dear lady who have helped me become less contrived and more accepting of my fate. I realise now I have to live with severe tinnitus that worsens by the day along with a hearing loss forever progressively diminishing from already 93-95 per cent mark to the point audiologists say I will have no hearing in around 15 years time.

One thing I shan't do, is rest on my laurels and I will find a way for many others and I to live a day in a world free of tinnitus with the hopefully creation of literature for schools and hospital wards across the British Isles. Also from blogging to website creation, I hope to reach those aboard who like perhaps similarily to myself are young perhaps deafened adults or elder generation who hadn't realised they suffer a condition that may have no cure but does have a wealth of adequate emotional support and others in a similar position. But in order to make a difference, I cannot do this without your support, any comments and self reflections are more than welcome.

Thank you very much for your time and I hope this venture is a success.